Removed & locked post could be also retrieved back by moderators via appeal. You will be banned if you failed to abide to this rule.ĭo not delete submissions which were removed by AutoModerators. Use of "Official Video" is forbidden for ANY VIDEOS except those which are from Shroud's channels. Rule 8: Use appropriate flair for your post.Otherwise, AutoMod will automatically remove your post. Rule 7: In order to post on /r/Shroud, your account needs to be at least 7 days old.Any obvious self-promotion will be banned. Rule 6: No attention/karma/any type of whoring or begging.Check if someone already posted the same thing before posting.

Repetitive posts will also be removed (does not include x-post from other subreddit). Rule 5: Low effort posting (and spam) will be removed by moderators.Fan submission video should not have the Twitch chat and not watermarked nor having any indication of claim by the uploader and have Shroud's Twitch channel link as credit. The first time will be a warning, the second time will be a permanent ban. Any attempt to post recreations or copies of the videos posted to Shroud's Youtube channel will be removed. You may link youtube videos that have been uploaded to another channel of clipped Shroud gameplay or anything transformative, such as montages spanning across multiple play sessions.
#Shroud mouse sesitivity full