We impact the world by preaching the Gospel to those around us, and by living by the example of Christ. Life is not meant to be lived alone fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ will enrich your life! We love each other by fellowshipping, serving one another, and getting involved in church activities.

Listen to sermons on Youtube and several podcast channels. Come join us as we continue this journey with Christ together. Over the years multiple lives have been transformed from mere existence without hope to alive in Christ. We take the Word of God seriously, and you have the opportunity to engage in worship and teaching from the Word of God with us! Preaching and corporate worship take place on Sunday mornings. New Beginnings Church of Astoria is an Evangelical church in Astoria Queens, NY. New Beginning Ministries is a Central Ohio (Columbus) regional group of ministries anchored by New Beginning Christian Center that minister to the whole. We strive to allow the Holy Spirit to fill every part of our ministry, our worship, our teaching, and glorify God in all we do. We worship God by encountering Him in both personal (daily) and corporate (weekly) worship. WELCOME TO NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH We’re so glad you’re here Worship with us every weekend and mid-week where we gather together to open Gods word and let it speak life into our soul.